Worship is what empowers, inspires, and directs everything White's Chapel strives to be and do.
Story & Mission
Rev. Lewis M. White
As the first Methodist church in northeast Tarrant County, White’s Chapel had traveling preachers (known as “Circuit Riders”) fill the pulpit. One of the most popular of these early parsons was the Tennessee-born Rev. Lewis M. White. Under his leadership, the new church blossomed and came to be known by his name. Every week, people were showing up at “White’s Chapel.” The church had many dedicated pastors who followed in White’s footsteps. In 1971, the church celebrated its centennial and, at the celebration, the State of Texas presented the church with a historical marker. The ceremony marked a new era for the church. In the ‘80s, the population of northeast Tarrant County grew dramatically and the church grew along with it. By 1985, the small, building was unable to meet the needs of the community. A new sanctuary was built to hold 300 people and a choir of about 30. The first service in the new area (now known as Grace Chapel) was held on Easter Sunday in 1988. |
Our Co-Pastors
Now, with Drs. John McKellar and Todd Renner, the church has more than 16,000 members and an average of 5,000 worshipers in weekly worship (on campus and online). While the church’s ability to engage large numbers is a point of pride, discipleship at White’s Chapel goes much deeper than church attendance. Thousands of children, youth, and adults participate in discipleship classes every week, and the church outreach team engages in missions of mercy and justice, both locally and around the world. All these actions are tied together in a single vision: To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world! It is a call that drives the church to maintain that “small church” feel that has described the ministry of White’s Chapel from its inception – being a church of real people making a real difference. |
Vision Statement…
White’s Chapel Is A Church Where…
Office Hours:
Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Fri: 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. Worship Times:
Saturday, 5:30 p.m. Sunday, 8:20, 9:30, & 11 a.m. |
Online Streaming Schedule